Thursday, 4 December 2008

So who's gonna make the ark?

The rain is lashing down today. I got soaked during the dash from car to school entrance and haven't warmed up since. It's dark and gloomy and I feel thoroughly miserable.

The school Christmas Fair is all planned for Saturday afternoon and I have a few hours of face-painting to look forward to. Friday afternoon will be spent assembling the grotto for Father Christmas' visit and dashing about setting up stalls and games with my fellow PFA members. Plenty of coffee and slight hysteria will be the order of the day, methinks!

I planned to spend today baking..cakes for the fair and mince pies for the freezer...but I'm finding myself very short of enthusiasm, wishing that I could bury myself beneath the duvet and emerge once the weather has improved. The constant damp affects my joints and the aches and pains that accompany my M.E are exacerbated, dragging my mood into the depths of gloom, doom and despondency.

The gifts need to be wrapped, the baking is waiting and I know I have several days of very draining activity ahead. There is so much to do and my 'batteries' are low. A little sunshine would help - until then ...soup is required - butternut squash with ginger and chilli that will warm me from the inside.

1 comment:

The Wool Gatherer said...

C'mon, girl, you can do it! Prayer is going up for you from Ohio USA!

Blessings and encouragement to you!

The Wool Gatherer