Monday 5 January 2009

A return to normal service.

Well, thank heavens for that! With a sigh of relief and joy in my heart I packed the other half off to work (through the snow, no less!) and took the children to school. Peace reigns once more.

It was lovely having them at home and we had lots of fun but I do find it hard to cope without my routine. I need regular rest periods interspersed with short bursts of activity in order to get through the day, achieving all that I need to. This just does not happen when the house is full of folk getting in my way.

It is freezing cold here today and we awoke to a couple of inches of snow. Nothing unusual, you may think - it is January, after all! However, we just don't really 'do' snow. Even if the rest of the country has closed down due to a few inches of the white stuff and My Man has spent all morning getting halfway to work before rail services cease and he has to turn around again. This tail end of the country always seems to miss most of the snowfall. Living by the coast may have something to do with it...salt in the air, my Gran used to say. The snow never hangs around for long, melting quickly into horrible grey slush that makes your feet cold and wet. The cold wind stays, unfortunately....chapping lips and chilling faces. Yuck!

I intend to hibernate once the children are home. One more foray out today to collect them from school and then there will be hot chocolate and biscuits in front of the fire, with a few of the cuddles that I have missed. Dinner is cooking...mmm, lamb stew and dumplings... and the house is warm. What more could I wish for?

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