Friday 14 August 2009

Calling the Job Fairy...

If anyone spots the Job Fairy going about her business could they please send her our way?
My Man has been made redundant! He left school at 17 and has never been out of work; has never 'signed on' or claimed benefits. Sadly, he is in for a shock, I fear.

I have lived/struggled as a single parent on benefit. It was not a nice period in my personal history . However, I am at least prepared and have some useful experience that should help us survive.

He has applied for a few jobs already and has a positive attitude, looking into working closer to home to cut down on travelling time. Less money but more time with the family. That has to be good, doesn't it?

'We will be ok!'.....that is my mantra for the time being. We have each other and I can weather anything with him to shield me. He is an excellent husband and a superb father who will do anything in his power to support his family. I need to stay well enough now to support him while he searches for work and enters the rather soul destroying benefits system. least we do have a benefits system and the NHS. Things could be a whole lot worse! We have a home and each other. It may be a struggle but we will get through it, I'm sure. It's not the first time that I have been battered by life..... and probably not the last, either.

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